Friday 23 May 2014

Greetings in French

Hi guys

I just did a little shuffle on my blog to move its focus from just about anything to language, knowledge and entertainment.

So we are going to be focusing more on the French language as that’s what I am fluent with. I have compiled a short list below listing out the basic words used in greeting. Take a look:

Bonjour – Good morning
Bonsoir – Good evening
Bonne nuit – Goodnight
Bonne journee – Have a nice day.
Comment ca va – How are you
Ca va bien – I am fine
Merci – Thank you
Aurevoir – Goodbye

Let’s use this little conversation between Ann and Greg to get familiar with French greeting terms.
Ann: Bonjour Greg.(Good morning Greg)
Greg: Bonjour Ann; Comment ca va? (Good morning Ann; how are you?)
Ann: Ca va bien vous? (I am fine thank you; and you?)
Greg: Tres bien. Aurevoir Ann. (Very good. Goodbye Ann)
Ann: Aurevoir Greg; Bonne journee. (Goodbye Greg; Have a nice day)
Try going over these words and memorizing them. Read over the conversation so you can get more familiar with them. Feel free to ask any questions.

Head over to the following sites for incredible, fun french resources.

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